Our athletes strive for lofty goals in a team atmosphere, building on the momentum, enthusiasm and support of each other.

Also checkout our Snowboard Rota-Rippers!
Snowboard Travel
This is a group that is ready to take the skills developed through the Mini Shreds to the larger snowboarding stage.
The team will focus on all aspects of riding including park, pipe, rails, cross riding, and freeriding. The reason is simple, we aspire to create the best all-around riders while continuing to develop each rider’s unique style!
Our professional coaching staff will work with Travel Team athletes to continue to develop their skills in preparation for competitions and events. This will start during fall dryland where athletes have access to our Air Barn facility and strength training. Air Barn sessions will continue through the winter along with Wednesday workshops to set the tone and goals for the week. On-snow training will utilize the different venues the Wood River Valley has to offer (Baldy/Dollar/Rotarun), as conditions dictate, to continue to develop well-rounded riders that are event and travel ready.
USASA, USSA, and Community and Industry supported snowboard event options are all on the table depending on the rider’s abilities and qualifications. On and off-snow training trips will be offered throughout the year. There are many paths in snowboarding and through this team riders will have the opportunities to explore these events!
Tuition: $4,200
Ages: Grades 8-12
Head coach: Andy Gilbert (view profile)
Athlete-to-coach ratio: 7:1
Fall Dryland
2022/23 Dates TBD
Two days a week (TBD); Air Barn and Strength sessions
Four summer Saturday open Air Barn session’s, sign up required
Winter Training
2022/23 Dates TBD
Training five days a week
Wednesday: Workshop day-week planning, goal setting and review as a team after school
Thursday, Friday: 2-4pm, location TBD.
Saturday and Sunday: Afternoon training
Weekly air barn sessions, TBD.
One Sunday per month is designated as a free day for riders to rest and hang with friends and family.
U.S. Ski and Snowboard General Membership ($30), USASA Competitors License.
USASA Big Mountain West Events
Local competitions i.e. Baldy Bank Slalom, Air Barn Games, Rotarun Intramural Scrimmage
Futures Tour Events (if qualified)
Additional community- and industry-supported snowboarding events within our region.

Snowboard Mini Shreds
Mini Shreds is designed for riders who are ready to build on the skills learned at the Devo level or have a few years of freeriding under their belts. Mini Shreds focus is on becoming more dynamic riders by utilizing a variety of venues and terrain options i.e park, gates, cross racing and off-piste freeriding. We will work with Mini Shreds athletes to help develop their unique style that is important to being a well-rounded rider.
This program will introduce competitive elements locally that are age and skill appropriate. Travel to regional USASA and select industry/resort events with parents will be offered to riders interested in gaining this experience.
Dedicated Air Barn sessions will be scheduled on a regular basis to develop air awareness and mechanics related to snowboarding throughout the season.
Special sessions and workshops will be added during the season for specific terrain based learning including joint training sessions with the Shred Ready team and coaches.
This is the team where riders really build their snowboard community – we ride together and encourage progression!
Tuition: $TBD
Ages: Grade 5-8
Program Director: Andy Gilbert
Head Coach: Dave Boldwin
Athlete-to-coach ratio: 6:1
Fall Dryland
2022/23 Dates TBD
One days a week (TBD); Air Barn/Sagewillow Campus
Winter Training
2022/23 Dates TBD
Friday, Saturday and Sunday & Weekly Air Barn, TBD
U.S. Ski and Snowboard General Membership ($30), USASA competitors license (coaches will let you know!)
Local competitions (i.e. Baldy Bank Slalom), Rotarun intramural scrimmage, Air Barn Games, USASA Home Event*
Introduction to USASA regional events based on athletes abilities and interest
Snowboard Devo
SVSEF’s Snowboard Devo program is the developmental snowboard program for SVSEF Baldy-based teams. Devo is for “Baldy- Ready” kids, meaning athletes who can ride the lift and are ready for the challenges of longer, more advanced runs, off-piste & groomed, and who understand safety rules and mountain etiquette. We practice all-mountain basic riding, jump and park skills, bump skills and racing techniques with a strong FUN-damental emphasis. SVSEF’s Devo program is designed to introduce and refine skills required to advance within SVSEF’s snowboard program. The SVSEF Devo program is staffed with professional coaches who teach age-appropriate skill progression inline with SVSEF and USSA team building and skill development philosophies. Snowboard athletes in the Baldy Devo program will be grouped with fellow riders at the beginning of each session.
Holiday camps (Christmas and spring break) are included as a part of the Devo team experience, and offer specific opportunities beyond regular weekend programming. Times and dates for holiday camps are based on creating safe and appropriate practice opportunities based on crowds, practice space, and conditions.