The SVSEF alpine contingent that is currently training in Europe has left the land of pretzels and brats to ski in the open air at Solden, Austria. GS training starts today for the 24 athletes and five coaches after a travel day Friday and an off day Saturday.
The team completed a four-day slalom block in Wittenburg, Germany, on Thursday. The block consisted of seven 2-hour sessions, and athletes were able to get about 12 runs each session, complete with drill work, drill courses and tall gate courses. The indoor ski dome features 0.33km stretches of very smooth, icy terrain. Said FIS coach Nate Schwing on training at the venue, “on a surface such as this one, athletes get immediate feedback if they are in our out of balance, on the inside or outside ski, and if their skis are arcing or sliding. The surface requires good form to be successful.”
The group’s energy has been high all week, and the athletes have been hard at work with busy days full of skiing, video, recovery and homework.
Concluded Schwing, “this indoor arena can challenge an athlete’s relationship with the sport and in the last four days we have had motivated and positive athletes. This makes for a very positive and productive group environment.”
We’ll be back with an update from Solden.[osd_social_media_sharing]