Back on Snow: An Update from New Zealand

An update from Cross Country Gold Team Head Coach, Chris Mallory:

For the past two weeks, we’ve had part of the SVSEF Cross Country Gold Team training down in New Zealand at the Snow Farm, putting some good time in on snow. A few other U.S. clubs along with the National Team also made the trek down, so the training group has been terrific. While we had spring like conditions for the first part of the camp, we’re smack dab in the middle of winter now after a fresh six inches came down last night. Week one we were based out of Wanaka, making day trips up to the Snow Farm while also getting out for some scenic trail runs. Since then, it’s been all about logging k’s on their 40km network, working technique and speeds into sessions, as well getting out for an epic crust cruise. We’re about to get into some racing with the New Zealand Games happening the next three days, which will be a good close to the camp.


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