Join the G2G Project
Grass Roots to Grand Stage Diversity Project
Through the Grassroots to Grand Stage Diversity Project, the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation aims to bring our community’s children closer together through winter sport.
The G2G Diversity Project is designed to integrate with learn-to-ski-and-ride programming at Rotarun Ski Area and Quigley Nordic Trails; programming designed to enrich the lives of historically marginalized youth in our community. G2G will provide further support and education for these athletes and families as they pursue higher level journeys with SVSEF across the spectrum of snowsport disciplines, from alpine and cross country, to snowboarding and other SVSEF programs.

The G2G Project is the seed that can grow and beget further opportunities early and often for local families—specifically athletic opportunities to inspire deeper awareness and inclusion, which we’ve seen have lasting and profound implications on the life of a child.
Scott McGrew
SVSEF Executive Director
Support through grants, donors, and key partners in our community is pivotal to the Grassroots to Grand Stage Diversity Project’s success. Scholarships including ski passes from Sun Valley Company, equipment leases from Sturtevant’s and PK’s Ski & Sports, SVSEF tuition support, and other mission-aligned expenses are some of the means of support provided to these young athletes so they can fully engage in the process and the opportunity before them. Cultivating healthy habits, skills, and passions also contribute to the project’s intent to foster well-rounded child development for youth in our mountain community.
Our goal is to raise $100,000 to establish an endowed fund to help support these children who show a desire to continue, improve, and advance as winter sport athletes.
To learn more or to support the Grassroots to Grand Stage Diversity Project, please contact Scott McGrew at
Secure online donations may be made through the link below by selecting Restricted Donation and specifying your gift to the Grassroots to Grand Stage Diversity Project in the online donation form. Thank you for your support of this important initiative.

The free learn-to-ski Rota-Rippers after-school program has been incredibly successful in getting first generation skiers on the mountain. As a volunteer Rota-Rippers coach, I noticed that each year there were kids that really loved the program and were yearning for more. That was the genesis for this Grassroots to Grand Stage Diversity Project—providing funding and support for these kids to move into the competitive SVSEF programs.
Sam Adicoff
Volunteer Coordinator for the G2G Project